Jesus made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men
Greek: κένωσις
Kenosis is the self-emptying of Jesus own will and becoming entirely receptive to God's divine power. The word ἐκένωσεν(ekénōsen) is used in Philippians 2:7 using the verb form κενόω(kenóō) or to empty.
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Definition of κενόω(kenóō):
1. to empty, make empty
a. of Christ, he laid aside equality with or the form of God
2. to make void
a. deprive of force, render vain, useless, of no effect
3. to make void
a. cause a thing to be seen to be empty, hollow, false
| Philippians 2:7 |
What did Jesus empty Himself of?
It could not have been His divine nature, for He was God not only from eternity,[a] but God manifest in flesh during His life on earth.[b]
a: | Micah 5:1-2 | John 1:1-2 | Hebrews 1:8 | Revelation 1:8-11 |
b: | Isaiah 7:14 | Isaiah 9:6-7 | Matthew 1:18-25 | John 1:1-2 | John 1:14 | 1 Timothy 3:16 |
Jesus emptied Himself of:
1. His Equality with God.
2. His Godly form, body, and spirit.
| Philippians 2:6-8 | Philippians 3:21 | Matthew 1:18-25 | Luke 1:35 | John 1:14 | Luke 24:37-40 | Zechariah 13:6 | Galatians 4:4 | Romans 8:3 |
3. His immortality.
4. His Glory that He had with God even before creation.
| John 12:23 | John 17:5 | Matthew 16:27 | Philippians 2:5-11 |
5. His supremacy in the heavens and earth.
6. His divine attributes and powers that He had with God to eternity. He cannot do miracles unless He is fully anointed by the Holy Spirit.[a] He cannot do anything for Himself as human. He did all His works, doctrines, powers and more, through the Holy Spirit by praying to God.[b]
a: | John 2:11 | John 3:34 | Isaiah 11:1-2 | Isaiah 42:1-7 | Isaiah 61:1-2 | Luke 3:21-22 | Luke 4:16-21 | Matthew 12:28 | Acts 10:38 |
b: | John 11:41-42 |
This has been proven by the following facts in the biblical scriptures
6a. He was limited as a man.
6b. He was the supreme representative of God.
| John 5:9-30 | John 8:28 | John 12:49-50 | John 14:10 | John 14:28 | 1 Corinthians 11:3 | 1 Corinthians 15:28 |
6c. He is a good example so we should follow Him.
| 1 Peter 2:21 |
6d. The temptations prove that He was limited as a man so He could overcome evil as a man.
6e. Isaiah spoke of the Messiah being born without enough knowledge about the good and evil.
| Isaiah 7:14-16 |
6f. Isaiah spoke of the Messiah being limited to as a human baby and God will bless Him with the power of wisdom, understanding, counseling, might, knowledge, and fear of the LORD.
| Isaiah 11:1-2 | Isaiah 53 |
6g. Isaiah predicted that the Messiah is born without the tongue of the learned; without knowing how to speak a word in season to help any soul; and that He would be awakened day by day to increase His knowledge and wisdom.
| Isaiah 50:4-11 |
6h. Isaiah spoke of the Messiah receiving His power to manifest divine acts by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and not by His attributes and power as God.[a] It is not necessary for God to anoint Himself with the Holy Spirit because He is God, but, It is necessary for Jesus to anoint himself during His life on earth, because, He never maintained His Glory and attributes as God due to Kenosis.[b]
a: | Isaiah 42:1-7 | Isaiah 61:1-2 |
b: | Philippians 2:6-8 | Hebrews 2:14-18 | Hebrews 5:8-9 |
6i. History records shows that Jesus was limited as a baby and grew in body, soul, mind, spirit,[a] grace, wisdom, stature, and favor with God and man.[b] Even as an adult, His gifts of the Holy Spirit was still limited to his knowledge.[c] He even learned obedience through suffering.[d]
a: | 1 Corinthians 2:11 |
c: | Mark 13:32 |
d: | Hebrews 4:14-16 | Hebrews 5:7-9 |
6j. He never claimed His miracles to be His attributes as God, but through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.[a] Others said that this was the source of His power[b] and scriptures in doctrine books proving that Jesus had divine attributes on earth are true, but not when he was human, it was after He resurrected from the dead and received back His Glory. All scriptures related to His human life can be explained as referring to the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and not by natural attributes.
a: | John 8:28 | Matthew 12:28 | Luke 4:16-21 |
b: | John 3:34 | Acts 10:38 |
6k. Jesus promised all believers the power of the Holy Spirit. He proved it through the anointing of the Holy Spirit and not by deity and natural attributes.
| Matthew 10:1-20 | Matthew 16:18 | Matthew 18:18 | Luke 10 | Luke 24:49 | Mark 16:15-20 | John 14:12-15 | Acts 1:4-8 |
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